40plus Integrative Health
Robin Saltonstall, PhD
Integrative Health Specialist

Are you in the second half of your life?
Are you questioning who you are and who you might become?
Do you ask yourself what am I doing with my life? What am I to bring to the world? What am I going to leave behind when I leave?
Do you find yourself newly attracted to creative and innovative ways and ideas? And/or are you struggling to meaningfully address the issues around you, especially climate re-lated crises?
Do you surprise yourself?
Welcome to the second half of your life and
the Adventure of YOUR Lifetime.
Being Healthy Now and Here
The ​Physical Matters:​
Do you fatigue more easily and heal less quickly?​
Are the routines you've relied on to be healthy when you were younger no longer producing the same results?
Have you been told that you are pre- diabetic, osteopenic or heart disease prone?
Does your body feel different?​
Are you more aware now that the health of your body is intimately related to the physical world in which you are a participant?
The More-Than-Physical Matters:
Is your mind changing in unfamiliar ways?
Are you somehow someone different than who you thought you were?
Do you feel more like you do now than you did before?
Did you know that accelerated development in certain areas of the brain in midlife provides a rich physiological base from which to take up the questions and callings of the second half of life?
Did you know that:
-- the midlife brain experiences a myelination bloom around age 50 that enhances your ability to synthesize information and make complex decisions?​
-- the midlife brain is better than the younger brain at "gisting" or deriving the salience of complex matters?
-- the midlife brain is more neurally integrated, and therefore, able to function more efficiently?
Recalibrating ourselves physically and more-than-physically is our human developmental task as we traverse the decades of our lives after 40. The external physical changes are obvious. What has been hiding in plain sight is that there are numerous significant bio-physical changes in the brain undergirding this developmental process. It can be mystifying and frustrating; or, if taken on proactively, it can be vastly rewarding.
40plus Integrative Health offers individual programs and workshops targeting the unique physical and more-than-physical changes and the emerging opportunities and possibilities of living fully in the second half of our lives.